BeIn Career Day

The Career Day will take place live in the conference rooms of the “Mediterranean Palace” hotel (Salaminos 3 & Karatasou, Thessaloniki, opposite the Thessaloniki Port Authority). 15 companies and organizations active in different sectors will participate, with the aim of meeting the interests and needs of the participants.

The Career Day will provide the opportunity for face-to-face conversations and interviews. In addition, there will be a thematic section with parallel presentations – suggestions, for the presentation of the characteristics of the local labor market, the analysis of the required knowledge and skills in the Region of Central Macedonia, the available financial tools for the establishment and operation of start-ups as well as the empowerment of the abilities of new job candidates in relation to the job search.

DURATION: 09:00am – 2:30pm

For the best organization of the action, please fill out the Expression of Interest Forms below for your participation.


Career Day’s Schedule

[there may be changes – please consult this page for the latest version of the Program]


List of companies

[subject to change as applications are still open]

More information about the “Be In” project can be found on the project website:

Register to participate