Students/Graduates Participation Form

Career Day is complete.
Thank you for your interest.

Career Day
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at the conference rooms of the “Mediterranean Palace” hotel (Salaminos 3 & Karatasou, Thessaloniki, opposite the Thessaloniki Port Authority).

By completing this form, you express your interest in participating in the “Career Day” event and give us the opportunity to contact you, to give you useful information and instructions for your better preparation and effective participation in the event.

Your participation in the “Career Day” is an important opportunity to conduct interviews with the representatives of the participating companies to explore the possibilities of immediate or future cooperation.

Preparation for your participation in “Career Day”

  • The event does not include scheduled business appointments. When you arrive at the event venue, you will already be well informed about the participating businesses and have indicated which ones you will be meeting. The time you will have available for your contact with a business is limited, about 10 minutes, so the better prepared you are, the better results you will get.
  • Prepare your CV and have several copies with you to give to business executives you meet
  • Be informed carefully about the profile of the companies taking part in the event (both from the short text on the event website and from the website of the company itself), as well as the profile of the partner they are looking for.